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Friday, January 27, 2006

Genre: Fictional/Historical, Comedy, Drama
Cast:Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Ben Affleck, Geoffrey Rush
Duration: 2h 05m (app)

Love - Its a 'New' World
Love - Its a 'New' LifeNo wonder
Shakespeare was obsessed with it. Its 'New' probably which inspired Shakespeare(Dont forget that 30000 of the 50000 words(app) he used were "New" to English) to create themes that are widely recognised as classics. The Movie 'Shakespeare in Love' is not entirely factual. Its got its terms of Fiction with the chronologies overlapping or inaccurate...but probably that too was a tribute to the Poet known for his anachronisms.

'Shakepeare in Love' is a wonderful Movie that traces the creation of one of the classic love story 'Romeo and Juliet'. The instances which Shakespeare experienced in reality that converted his mirages into visuals is beautifully interwoven in celluloid by Director John Madden. The visuals are stunning and the montages of the play's conceivement are enjoyable. The highlight of this movie is its comedy - unique in its own kind. The natural comic retorts that forms an integral part throughout the movie is enjoyable and entertaining. The Camera and Music add flavour to the movie's sweetness.

The climax is fitting for such a film based on the theme of 'inspired creation' when William Shakespeare continues his next play 'The Twelfth Night' with the image of the lead character walking on the sun-bathed golden soil.

Comedy, Montages

Nothing that bad...Joseph Fiennes was good but could have done better

Enjoyable, Entertaining and Artistic.

Shakespeare would have loved this!

GRADING: above B+

RATING: 8.4/10.0


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